# Present Scenario of Voltage Regulators in India
With the increasing distortion and interference on the utility lines and also with the increasing use of sensitive equipment, power quality problems have become a major concern, especially for sensitive equipment. However, auxiliary equipment called power conditioning equipment may be utilized to mitigate power quality problems. Employing power conditioning equipment such as voltage regulators and uninterruptible power supplies, problems at the utility side may be prevented from distorting the voltage at the load side. Limited types of power conditioning equipment has been discussed which has been used in gernal day to day applications. limitation of each has been explained. 
# Why Unbalance Voltage matters
Voltage Unbalance cause to unbalance current in balanced 3 phase load. it can be analysised into positive , negative and zero sequence component or in terms of harmonics. In general, for 3 phase networks, sequence componants are prefered and harmonics are used for electrical drives. This paper describes about both approch upto limited case.